National No-Print Day: Will You Take the Pledge? - nixonyones1946
Toshiba, which sells a wide variety of printers, copiers, scanners, and telefax devices, is asking you to habit to a lesser extent paper. Information technology's even sponsoring National No-Print Day happening Oct 23, 2012, when it hopes the paperless power becomes a reality–if only for a day.
Wait, isn't this sort of ilk Hewlett-Packard sponsoring National Third-Party Ink Day? The irony of a printer maker interrogatory people to print less isn't lost on Toshiba, which addresses this outcome on its National No-Print Daylight land site:
(Cue sappy music.)
"We're people. People who breathe the same air, swim in the same water, and play fetch in the same parks as everyone else. We're people WHO recognize the worldly concern is an irreplaceable asset."
The National No-Photographic print Day site features a pint-size video prima "Tree," a bearded carrel-denizen in a tree suit World Health Organization deeds diligently to persuade (nagger) his colleagues to save newspaper. He takes a break happening People No-Mark Day, using the day off to skateboard, shoot hoops, and have rest fights with scantily-clad women.
Cynics may construe National No-Print Day as a cheap publicity grab for Toshiba, merely peradventure the bogus case is worth observance just the same. The troupe lists some sobering statistics that exemplify our paper-wasting ways: The average office actor uses more than 10,000 pages of copy paper annually and–flatbottomed worsened–wastes over 1,400 prints p.a., the equivalent of 1.2 trees.
"We know that just about 336,000,000 sheets of paper are wasted daily — that's more than 40,000 trees discarded every day in America. We as individuals and companies are unsuccessful to make the link between printing waste and its negative impacts on our landfills, natural resource and the environment," same Toshiba America executive Bill Melo, in a statement.
Toshiba promises to plant a lot of trees–or s 1.5 jillio by 2025–if you adopt the following assurance:
"Being of sound ink and toner, I honor the sacrifices made by Tree and his leafy colleagues, and Doctor of Osteopathy hereby give them the day dispatch along National Nary Publish Clarence Shepard Day Jr., the 23rd day of October, 2012, a day on which I will steadfastly refrain from printing process, copying, and otherwise causation hardworking trees to lose their pulp."
Leave you take the pledge?
Contact Jeff Bernardo Bertolucci at Today@PCWorld, Twitter (@jbertolucci) or
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