
Is There An App Where I Can Take Picture Of Animal Droppings And Have It Identified

Learn to identify animal traces with this app

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iTrack Wildlife app

iTrack Wildlife makes identifying tracks easier than ever before

Source: iTrack Wildlife

Useful information

Download: Android 4.0 (45MB) / iOS 6.0 (69.9MB)

Price: free (the links are for the free versions. There are paid versions more complete for both operating systems)

Language: English

Runs offline: yes

Last update:Android 23/04/2015 – iOS 01/04/2015

Website of the developer:Nature Tracking


iTrack Wildlife is a mobile application to identify animal traces (concretely mammals), printed in the soil through their silhouettes and numerous photographs. It has several sections:

  • "Species", with a list of species (8 in the free version that rise to 69 in Pro version), the silhouettes and size of their tracks in inches and centimeters, differentiating the front and hind prints. Clicking on these entries, you can access a complete data sheet with numerous photographs of its tracks, the animal itself or its burrow (you can zoom on them). It also includes a detailed textual description of the track, access to the Wikipedia entry dedicated to the species (the query works offline) and other confusion species.
  • "Search", where a search for possible matches facilitates the identification of the animal. From the "Options" tab you can select if you need a multiple search or the units (inches or centimeters). Although there is a field for the introduction of the common or scientific name of the animal, the main search tool are the sliders for selecting length and width of the print and the various track drawings with different characteristics (number of fingers, shape, claws, etc.).
  • "Favorites", where the species identified in this way in the individual sheets are included.
  • "Tracking info", section in which many features and recommendations to search prints are included.
  • "Help", with utilities such as a ruler to measure the tracks or a user manual.

More information

Images: Screenshots 28/10/2015. ©Nature Tracking



Wild animals tend to be elusive and are prone to flee in the presence of humans, so one of the traditional ways of certifying their presence is the analysis of their tracks, droppings, hair, etc. In recent years, training in species identification through their tracks has become an activity with many enthusiasts, with numerous workshops and an abundant literature.

iTrack Wildlife avoids having to carry bulky track guides on your tours. Although its scope is US, the app also can be used in other continents where american species have spread, such as raccoon or the American mink. The application emphasises for the quality of its images and the search system created, but add some utilities as a rule that complement the tool. Also it is worth highlighting that is an app which runs offline perfectly, since even the reference items, such as Wikipedia, can be read without connection. Also, and as the own creator of the tool affirms, iTrack Wildlife is a complement to other apps such as iNaturalist. And, by the way, if you plan to travel to Southern Africa, you need to know that there is also a version of iTrack Wildlife for that area of the planet.

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Judit Urquijo

Técnico de medio ambiente, community manager y content curator especializada en temas de medioambiente - Environmental technician, community manager and content curator specialised in environmental issues

Is There An App Where I Can Take Picture Of Animal Droppings And Have It Identified


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